
Barth, R. (2013). The Chemistry of Beer: The Science in the Suds. New Jersey, US: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Mosher, R. (2017). Tasting Beer, 2nd Edition: An Insider's Guide to the World's Greatest Drink. MA, US: Storey Publishing.

Rogers, A. (2015). Proof: The Science of Booze. Boston, MA, US: Mariner Books.

White, C and Zainasheff, J. (2010). Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation (Brewing Elements). Colorado, US: Brewers Publications.

wish list
Alworth, J. (2015). The Beer Bible. New York, US: Workman Publishing Company

Webb, T and Beaumont, S. (2012). The World Atlas of Beer: The Essential Guide to the Beers of the World. New York, US: Sterling Epicure.

Bernstein, J. (2016). Complete IPA: The Guide to Your Favorite Craft Beer. New York, US: Sterling Epicure.

Zainasheff, J and Palmer, J. (2007). Brewing Classic Styles: 80 Winning Recipes Anyone Can Brew. Mississauga, ON, CA: Natl Book Network

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