December 17, 2017

27. Historical Beer


  • Gose 사워, 코리앤더, 소금 밀맥주. 고탄산. Gose 강유역에서 시작돼 Leipzig에서 유명 
  • Kentucky Common 옥수수, 첨가물, DMS ok. 어두운 맥주 
  • Lichtenhainer 스모크, 약사워. 스모크 고제 느낌. 과일 피니시. 튀링겐 지역 맥주  
  • London Brown ale 약로스티. 잔당. 후발효 당첨가. 
  • Piwo Grodziskie 오크-스모크 밀. 노 사워. 폴란드 맥주
  • Pre-Prohibition lager 옥수수, DMS ok. 옥수수 혹은 쌀첨가. 미국 모던홉 안됨. 
  • Pre-Prohibition porter DMS, diacetyl ok. 첨가물(licorice). 콘. 약 burnt
  • Roggenbier 호밀+바이젠 Regensburg 지방 맥주
  • Sahti 바나나, 클로브, 주니퍼, 찐득+헤비, 노보일링, 핀란드 전통 맥주



  • fruity esters, pome fruit
  • light sourness
  • noticeable coriander
  • salt, very light


  • medium yellow
  • moderate to full haze
  • white head


  • malt flavor: initial, honeyed biscuit or cracker
  • hop flavor: moderate
  • hop(+yeast) bitterness: moderate 
  • fruit esters
  • light to moderate phenolic(spicy, peppery, clove)
  • crisp, dry finish


  • medium-light to medium-full body
  • high to very high carbonation
  • should not have noticeable alcohol warmth

Style comparison

  • w/ Berliner Weisse or Gueuze: less acidity 
  • w/ witbier: similar coriander aroma 
  • w/ weissbier: similar haziness

History and Comments

served in a traditional cylindrical glass. minor style associated with Leipzig but originating in the Middle Ages in the town of Goslar on the Gose River.

Characteristic ingredients

wheat malt  
Anderson Valley Gose

Kentucky Common


  • malt aroma: low to medium, corn-like or sweet 
  • hop aroma: medium to moderately-low floral, spicy
  • low DMS acceptable
  • no sourness


  • Amber orange~light brown
  • white to beige head 


  • malt flavor: moderate, caramel
  • adjuncts flavor, corn-like sweetness 
  • hop flavor: medium to low
  • hop bitterness: medium to low
  • lightly flinty(분필) or minerally-sulfate in the finish


  • medium to medium-light body
  • highly carbonation

Style comparison

  • w/ cream ale: darker, emphasizing corn, lighter malt
  • w/ int amber, dark lager, Irish red, Belgian pale ales: similar malt flavors and balance

History and Comments

a lactic sourness is likely a modern homebrewer invention. exclusively produced and sold around the Louisville Kentucky metropolitan area. the darker grains were added by the German brewers to help acidify the typical carbonate water of the Louisville area.

Characteristic ingredients

35% corn grits, Native American hop, imported continental Saazer-type hop 
Apocalypse Brew Works Ortel's 1912



  • moderate strong smoke aroma
  • light sourness
  • medium-low fruity esters(apple, lemon)
  • dry character(old fire, not greasy)


  • deep yellow~light gold


  • moderately strong fruity flavor
  • moderate intensity, clean lactic sourness(no funk)
  • medium strength smoke character
  • dry finish
  • low bitterness(from acidity, not hop)
  • lemony-tart, green apple flavor strong in the finish


  • medium to medium-light body
  • high carbonation

Style comparison

  • w/ Berliner Weisse: less acidic
  • w/ gose: smoked, w/o coriander and salt
  • w/ Grodziskie: w/ gose-like acidity

History and Comments

originating in Lichtenhain, in Thruringen(central Germany)

Characteristic ingredients

wheat malt

London Brown Ale 


  • malt aroma: moderate
  • hop aroma: very low to no
  • fruity esters


  • medium~very dark brown(nearly black)
  • off-white to tan head


  • malt flavor: deep caramel or toffee-like, coffee
  • fruity esters
  • hop flavor: low to no
  • hop bitterness: low
  • moderately-low to no roasty or bitter black malt
  • sugary-sweet


  • medium body
  • medium-low to medium carbonation

Style comparison

  • w/ sweet stout: less roasty, lower gravity
  • w/ dark mild: sweeter

History and Comments

frequently used as a sweet mixer with cask mild and bitter in pubs. commercial versions can be pasteurized and back-sweetened.

Characteristic ingredients

wheat malt, post-fermentation sweetening with lactose or artificial sweetness, or sucrose
Mann's Brown Ale

Piwo Grodziskie 


  • oak wood smoke
  • hop aroma: low
  • grainy wheat
  • light pome fruity esters
  • no acidity
  • sulfury notes


  • pale yellow~medium gold
  • mulkiness is a fault


  • moderately-low to medium oak smoke flavor(gentle, not acrid매캐함)
  • moderate to strong bitterness(balance toward bitterness)
  • hop flavor: low but perceptible
  • low grainy wheat
  • light pome fruit ester(red apple, pear)
  • dry, crisp finish
  • no sourness


  • light body
  • quite high carbonation
  • no noticeable alcohol warmth

Style comparison

  • w/ Berliner Weisse: similar in strength, never sour 
  • w/ Rauchbier: less intense in smoked character

History and Comments

traditionally made using a multi-step mash, a long boil(~2 hours), and multiple strains of ale yeast. Isinglass is used to clarify before bottle conditioning. developed as a unique style centuries ago in the Polish city of Grodzisk.

Characteristic ingredients

wheat malt, oak-smoked wheat malt

Pre-Prohibition Lager 


  • corn-like sweetness
  • hop aroma: medium to moderately-high
  • a fruity or citrusy modern hop is inappropriate
  • low DMS acceptable


  • yellow~deep gold


  • corn-like roundness
  • hop flavor: medium to high
  • hop bitterness: medium to high
  • crispier, drier in all malt or rice-based version


  • medium body
  • medium to high carbonation

Style comparison

  • w/ Czech Premium Pale Lager: similar balance and bitterness w/ American native grain and hop 
  • w/ American pale lager: more robust, bitter, flavorful, higher alcohol

History and Comments

a version of pilsner brewed in the USA by immigrant German brewers

Characteristic ingredients

30% flaked maze or rice
Anchor California Lager

Pre-Prohibition Porter 


  • slight burnt or chocolate notes
  • low DMS acceptable
  • no to very low esters
  • light adjuncts(licorice, molasses) acceptable
  • diacetyl low to none


  • medium~dark brown
  • light to medium tan head


  • low levels of chocolate or burnt black malt notes
  • low caramel, biscuit, licorice
  • corn/DMS acceptable
  • hop flavor: low to none
  • hop bitterness: low to moderate


  • medium light to medium body
  • moderate carbonation
  • slight astringency

Style comparison

  • w/ Czech Premium Pale Lager: similar balance and bitterness w/ American native grain and hop 
  • w/ American pale lager: more robust, bitter, flavorful, higher alcohol

History and Comments

known as Pennsylvania Porter or East Coast Porter. commercially brewed in Philadelphia during the revolutionary period.

Characteristic ingredients

adjuncts are acceptable, including corn, brewers licorice, molasses, and porterine.
Yuengling Porter



  • spicy rye aroma
  • weizen yeast aromatics(clove, fruity esters either banana or citrus)


  • light coppery orange~very dark reddish or coppery-brown
  • off-white to tan color


  • moderately-low to moderately-strong spicy rye flavor(like pumpernickel bread)
  • low to moderate weizen yeast character
  • hop flavor: low to moderate
  • hop bitterness: medium to medium-low


  • medium to medium-full body
  • high carbonation

Style comparison

  • w/ dunkelweizen: using malt rye 
  • w/ American rye beers: weizen yeast character

History and Comments

it is inappropriate to add caraway seeds to a roggenbier. a specialty German rye beer originally brewed in Regensburg, Bavaria.

Characteristic ingredients

50% malted rye, wheat malt
Thurn und Taxis Roggen



  • high banana esters, moderate to moderately-high clove-like phenolics
  • not sour
  • low to moderate juniper character
  • light alcohol aroma


  • pale yellow~dark brown


  • strong banana, moderate to moderately-high clove
  • moderate rye flavor
  • pine-like juniper
  • gin-liek juniper berries
  • hop flavor: no
  • hop bitterness: low
  • no roast
  • not sour


  • thick, viscous, heavy with protein
  • still to medium-low carbonation
  • strongly warming

Style comparison

  • w/ weizenbock: strong resemblance, but sweet and thick with a rye and juniper 

History and Comments

indigenous traditional style from Finland

Characteristic ingredients

rye, top-fermenting baker's yeast, not boiled

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