January 20, 2019

style comparison 1

1. American porter vs. American stout
American porter
  • dark malt
  • brown color in variation, clear
  • moderate strong maltiness, lightly burnt flavor
  • dryness in the finish
  • medium body in variation
American stout
  • roasted, bitter, hoppy 
  • jet black color, opaque
  • coffee, coffee bean, bittersweet chocolate, caramel flavor
  • roasted, caramel malt

2. Belgian golden strong ale vs. Belgian Trippel
Belgian GSA
  • pale, complex, effervescent, highly attenuated
  • more hoppy than phenolic
  • pear, orange, apple aroma
  • yellow~moderate golden color
  • pear, orange, apple flavor
  • light to medium body
  • super high carbonation
  • paler, lighter, crispier, drier than Trippel
Belgian Trippel
  • spicy, round malt, firm bitter
  • significant spiciness
  • spicy, peppery, clove-like, orange, banana aroma
  • deep yellow to deep gold color
  • citrus ester, bitter aftertaste
  • medium body in variety
  • high carbonation
  • darker, fuller, more phenolic than GSA

3. Sweet stout vs. Tropical stout
Sweet stout
  • coffee & cream, sweetened espresso
  • mild roasted aroma, coffee, chocolate aroma
  • dark roasted grain flavor
  • low to medium fruity
  • lactose, maize, brewing sugar
  • sweeter than other stout except for Tropical
  • milder roast than other stout
Tropical stout
  • roasty without burnt harshness
  • molasses, licorice, dried fruit, vinous aroma
  • sweet rather than bitter
  • sweet finish
  • medium to high fruity
  • rum-like flavor
  • warm-fermented lager yeast
  • scale up sweetness and fruitiness
  • sweeter, less hoppier, less bitter than porter or stout

4. Scottish export vs. Wee heavy
Scottish export
  • no peat smoke
  • breadcrumb, lady finger, English biscuit aroma
  • butter scotch aroma
  • off-white head
  • bready, caramel, rich toast not roasty
  • medium body in variety
  • low to medium carbonation
  • smaller wee heavy
  • ABV 3.9~6.0
Wee heavy
  • strong caramel, low smokey aroma
  • low diacetyl ok
  • significant caramel flavor
  • nutty, plum, raisin, dried fruit flavor
  • medium to full body
  • similar to English barley wine
  • ABV 6.5~10

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