January 21, 2019

style comparison 2

5. German pils vs. Kolsch
German pils

  • light body, highly attenuated
  • long lasting head
  • balance towards bitterness
  • medium low body
  • medium to high carbonation
  • lighter, drier, fully attenuated, bitter, higher carb than premium lager
  • hoppy and bitter than Munich Helles
  • ABV 4.4~5.2 (=kolsch)


  • delicately balanced, subtle fruit and hop
  • not persistent head
  • soft yet attenuated malt flavor, no residual sweet
  • wheat, attenuative ale yeast

6. American barleywine vs. Eisbock
American barleywine

  • well-hopped, evident hop 
  • new world variety, hop=malt > alcohol & ester aroma
  • amber to copper, off white to tan
  • leg
  • balance towards bitter
  • medium strong to aggressive hop flavor
  • full, chewy not syrupy, under attenuated
  • hoppier than English barleywine
  • more malt and body than DIPA


  • malty dark German lager
  • definite alcohol, significant malt-driven dark fruit aroma
  • copper to brown, ruby highlight, off white to deep ivory
  • toasty to chocolate, no hop flavor, significant alcohol
  • full to very full body
  • less thick, rich, sweet than wheatwine
  • ABV 9.0~14

7. Czech pale lager vs. Czech amber lager
Czech pale lager

  • hoppy and bitter
  • low to medium bready malt aroma, diacetyl ok
  • light to deep gold, long lasting creamy white head
  • prominent bitterness
  • medium low to medium body, medium carbonation
  • small Czech premium pilsner

Czech amber lager

  • drier, bready, biscuity to caramelly malt driven beer
  • bready, maillard caramelly, candy aroma, low fruity, diacetyl ok
  • amber to copper color, persist off white head
  • complex, dominant malt flavor, no roasted malt flavor
  • medium to medium full body, low to medium carbonation
  • vienna lager+saazer hop, English bitter+caramel malt

8. Baltic porter vs. Belgian strong dark ale
Baltic porter

  • reminiscent of English porter, Schwarzbier w/o roasty
  • multi-layered malt and dark fruit flavor
  • caramel, plum, chocolate & coffee aroma, no burnt, no hop, no sour
  • copper to brown, not black, tan head
  • clean lager flavor, mouth filling and smooth
  • full body, well aged alcohol, medium to medium high carbonation
  • less roasted & smoother Imperial stout, more fruit and alcohol than other porter

Belgian strong dark ale

  • dark, complex, very strong beer
  • significant ester and alcohol aroma, medium low to strong fruit aroma, no roast, no solvent
  • amber to coppery brown, cream to light tan head
  • malty rich balance and dry finish
  • medium low to medium full and creamy body, high carbonation
  • larger, fuller, maltier Dubbel 

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